Poolsters our 15 week "March of Misery" has finally and mercifully concluded. For the first time in the 10 year history of our glorious betting enterprise we have a non human winner to the pool – the autopick “UNDERDOG” actually won the damn pool, just think if you would have simply set your autopick to “UNDERDOG” you would be $2100 richer as we speak. Oh well you’re as dumb as the Commish. Also I’m not sure many of you are aware of the pool bylaw - Amendment 1A, that states and I quote …."Pathetic Pickers Clause" If at season's end any of the "Autopicks" i.e.: FAVORITE, UNDERDOG, HOME, OR AWAY win the pool outright against all playing members of the pool all remaining winnings will be given directly to a charity of the Commish's choosing (clause added September 2, 1967)”
And just so you know the Commish has chosen the “Kevin
Watters Institute for the Study of Irish Whiskey” as the charity to send all
pool winnings to.
But upon advice of lawyers representing the PAC12 Plus Pool I
have decided to avoid the invariable endless lawsuits and crying by the various
pool “winners” and I will proceed to reward the following poolsters thusly…..
Pool Payouts
1st Chase Vendl $2100+$125 weekly winnings = $2225
We had a tie for second place so the following poolsters
will split the 2nd and 3rd place money.
Brandon Carlson $1350 and
Steve Smith $1350 +$100 weekly = $1450
4th The pool's most handsome member Tom Sharp $720
LAST Place Greg “Doh” Dohmen $480 + the prestigious Pewter
Jack Ass Trophy.
Weekly Winners
Cat Bellamak $100
John Burnham $100
Jason Clay $100
The Commish $50
Dallas Davis $100
Steve Delira $33.33
Angela Driscoll $50
Mark Hodgson $50
Rick Holm $50
Todd Jennison $25
Dave Kent $58.33
Bill Lafave $100
Jacquiline Lira $100
Gary McMahon $83.33
Tony Poleo $100
Don Reisinger $75
Tom Yetzer $100
So if you are one of the lucky few who made money from our
15 weeks of picking nonsense (FYI 22 of the 160 Poolsters did not waste their
time and actually made money in the pool) I need from you the following
information – Your address to send the money – also let me know if you plan to
participate in the Bowl Pool and I will deduct the $25 entry fee.
Speaking of the Bowl Pool – I will resend the invite to
everybody once again. But here are the basics - $25 entry fee – we pick all the
Bowl games against the spread – and we will pick the winners of the playoff
round once those winners are determined. I will include info on how to invite
your family, friends, enemies, people on the bus, that guy who lives under the
bridge, etc. What better way to ignore all of them then mindlessly watching
every single one of the 177 Bowl Games this holiday season !
If you'd like to sign up for the Bowl Pool or invite people to join here's the link -
YOU vs the POOL
The Pride of Minnesota Tom Yetzer is this week's winner scoring an impressive record of 12-2 for the week - he plans on spending his $100 in weekly winnings on a case of Natty Lite and 10 pounds of Possum jerky and watching the Golden Gophers on the TV OK?
Gregg Dohmen scored just 3 correct this weekend thus assuring his coming in dead last in the pool for the year. I'm not sure he actually meant to pick badly or that it just comes extremely easy for Gregg to suck - I vote for the latter !
Good Luck Suckas - the Commish
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