First off to all of you doubters out there...The Commish Rules !
Sadly for the Commish this was one of the greatest days of my life - coming in a close second to the birth of the baby Commishes and that one time I found a half eaten bag of Doritos sitting on a bus stop bench. If you'd like to know the scene at the Commish's house when I found out I won Sunday morning here it is...
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As previously stated above your glorious and all knowing Commish won this week with an outstanding score of 14-6, oh and some guy named Rick Holm lucked out and tied me for the week. The Commish plans to take the $50 in prize money and get some sweet neon ground effects for my '73 Pacer. I would also like to address the small yet vocal contingent of Poolsters that claim there was some sort of cheating or manipulation of the pool by your kind and benevolent Commish. Yes you caught me - this pool has all along been some sort of grand long term master plan over the period of 10 long futile years for the Commish to pocket $50 and win 1 week in the 477 weeks that we've been doing this nonsense. A more brilliant masterful plan has yet to be devised by mankind. Also if any poolsters are in fact planning some sort of investigation into this week's results, here's a picture of my computer, external hard drives, and written pool records from this morning...
And to those of you who think my mother made my picks, I can assure you she did not make all my picks, just 14 of them...
Also I am obligated to mention my CO-champion for the week Rick Holm. Rick is a CU Buff's fan so winning anything comes as a complete surprise and shock to him. He plans to take the $50 and get a complete bikini wax at "Razmik's Waxing and Shwarma Outlet" over in "Little Armenia."
Officially the over all leader is the Auto Pick Underdog Team with 105 wins. And if you check the pool's by laws if one of the Auto Picks lands in the money at the end of the season ALL monetary winnings revert back to the Commish into the "PAC12 Plus Emergency Malt Liquor Fund". I'm sure if that happens there will be much litigation so in the meantime our over all leader remains Rylan Weythman with 104 wins for the year. Currently Rylan is sorting his Pokemon cards and couldn't be reached for comment.
Over all loser (see above)
Over all loser (see above)
Good Luck Suckas - the Commish